
Necessary software and compatibility

The following software is necessary to be able to develop and test Coveron:

  • Python 3.5 or newer
  • Python packages defined inside the “requirements.txt” in the repo-root
  • Ruby 2.6 or newer
  • Ceedling gem
  • GNU compiler toolchain (MinGW for Windows users)
  • Papyrus

The following software is optional (helpful for the development of the website):

  • Jekyll gem
  • GitHub Pages gem

Coding style guides

Coveron uses the C/C++ style guide from Google for C and C++ code. Python code is written according to the PEP8 guidelines.

Upon committing, the code is linted using cppunit in case of C/C++ code and flake8 for Python code.


Coveron is developed using the test driven development (TDD) methodology. This means that every new feature or fix should be covered by a test case.

A popular and recommended approach for test driven development is the red - green - refactor cycle.

No matter if your contribution implies a new feature or just a bug fix: Always check the UML diagrams to see, if changes are necessary. A specification that is consistent with the real code is not just helpful for new potential contributors - it’s helpful to retain a good code quality and important in cases, where Coveron will be used for safety-relevant applications.

Contributions that focus on improving the documentation and the UML diagrams are always welcome.

Committing your work to the main branch

To contribute to Coveron, create a fork and make the changes you are interested in. Upon making a pull request, your submitted code will be checked by the project maintainers.

While every contribution is greatly appreciated, open issues and feature requests have the highest priority for the community.